Share your imagination, hopes and vision.
Published on September 4, 2004 By The Crusaders In Misc
Q: What is your vision of the perfect world...?
Nevermind how we got there for the moment.....only describe as you imagine it the world you would like to see in the future....the world you want to live in.
And please feel free to use your imaginations, people, and step out of the boundary of our world today and tell us your unique vision.....

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 08, 2004
My ideal world would be one of freedom and non-oppression.

Freedom to make stupid choices, as long as they harm noone.
Freedom to do with your money as you see fit, with taxes limited to only the amoung necessary to provide essential government services.
TRUE freedom of speech, of press, of peaceful assembly...and all other rights guaranteed by the US constitution.
on Sep 09, 2004

I like your vision........I think one day we will all come to our senses and realize the errors in our ways and actually work together as a world population rather than segregate ourselves by country. I think we have come a long way already since mans first existence and we still have a long way to go but with so many goodhearted people in the world, a lot of them being here at JU, we can only head to a more positive like yourself and others here envision.

on Sep 09, 2004
Can you explain this in a little more detail

Sure. I believe that spiritual exploration is really an explanation of oneself and their beliefs. There is no end to this exploration because there is no end to oneself. I believe we are eternal and the infinite, what we are now is not what we always will be, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Since it is a journey without an end a lot of people either never take it or give up on it. But they are missing the point because it is the exploration of it that is the most important.

So, you're quite religious?

By your definition, maybe, but you asked me what I believe. Just because I can cut and paste the Apostle's Creed and know what it is doesn't make me QUITE religious. If you knew anything about it yourself you could probably determine which branch of Christianity I practice.
Anyway, I don't think I am quite religious by many people's definition but I have determined that it is right for me. I was for many years, starting at around ten years old, an atheist. Or at least I thought myself to be.

But I never really stopped believing. I sum it up like this; I could never bring myself to put a small g on the word God. The arguments I would make with friends of mine, who are Christian, would often hurt me more than them. I was angry and I was sad and being an atheist was not helping. It became obvious to me that the absence of a Creator made a universe without purpose. So even if such a Creator only existed in the minds of his followers it brought both peace and solace to those people. Even if it is a trick it is a very wonderful trick. That is where it began for me.

I knew that all the evils that I had proscribed to Christianity where contrived in my mind. I knew that those very evils where not made by following Christianity but by misrepresenting it but I used these arguments anyway. For example, I believe very much that the Nazi's believed themselves to be a Christian army. It is an easy weapon to attempt to bludgeon a Christian with...but...the reality is this trick won't work. Any reasoning Christian would tell you that the Nazi's where very much the anti-Christian.

So I had a different kind of crisis of faith...and increasing one. I didn't know exactly what I believed anymore. So then I met my wife. When we became engaged she wanted to be married in her church. This entailed going to church and becoming a member. There was a time that I would not have considered this. There is a time I would have done it and pretended. But this hit me at the right time and I became a member and increased my belief.

Do I believe every word of the Bible literally? No, I do not. I believe that is a medium and the more important thing is the message. This is something I am still exploring and will continue to do until I meet my Maker. I feel great comfort in that belief even if it is a fallacy.

An atheist would probably tell me that I was indoctrinated at youth, had a momentary lapse of freedom, and was re-indoctrinated as an older man. They might be right. But I will argue that their message was never powerfully enough to complety indoctrinate me. Ultimately, I found it very empty and still do.

Most people who call themselves an atheist in my mind are really anti-Christians. A true atheist would not care what people choose to believe they would simply smile wryly and go on. Most of the ones I have known choose to rail about Christianity, in private at least, and often in public. They think it is a disease and I believe they want it destroyed.

I do not believe in Chinese medicine. Recently I was told a story of a man who cut his foot and used crystals to fix the problem. Eventually he turned to Western medicine to save his foot and possibly his life. I do not rail against the evils of Chinese medicine because one fool chooses to believe in it to the cost of his own life. The man still believes in it even though it could have killed him to do so.

atheist do not believe that the right of belief exists for anyone. In my country they apply it most severely to Christians. I believe that it is a religion itself except that it is the belief of unbelief. I do not believe anyone can believe in nothing, it is like trying to not think about a polar bear eating ice cream. I feel that down at the core of every atheist they do not know what they believe and they are very scared. That is why so many of them are angry.

what is our purpose

We don't have a common purpose. We are creatures of free will and we will always pursue our own ends. Purpose is a direction we take on a path we walk. It isn't an end but the thing that drives us. I cannot tell you what your purpose is.

If there is some great cosmic purpose then I don't believe it is something we can know. We must stumble towards it blindly like it is a magnet pulling us along.

on Sep 10, 2004

Thankyou for expaining more thoroughly, FreeMark....I really appreciate it as I try to find my place in life.
I am not an athiest at all and I have no problem at all with others practicing their religions....although I do wish that different religions didn't deteste each other so much. Basically...I just am...I go about my life following no path or order other then what I deem to be right and wrong using my common sense. I feel there is more than what we make our lives to be here on earth though I don't know what it we need to know...?

Sure. I believe that spiritual exploration is really an explanation of oneself and their beliefs. There is no end to this exploration because there is no end to oneself. I believe we are eternal and the infinite, what we are now is not what we always will be, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Since it is a journey without an end a lot of people either never take it or give up on it. But they are missing the point because it is the exploration of it that is the most important.

I think I am in a state of spiritual exploration in my life right now....I have always sought answers...but now I feel compelled to put the pieces together and see the picture whole.....that is part of why I am here at JU....I cannot simply come up with the answers myself.(it's never that easy) From listening (reading!) to your views and others...I am coming closer to my own conclusions with the information you are sharing......and I thankyou so much for that!
Before I had my son...I did not worry much about who we are ...what we are...where are we going....what is out there.....but now that I have my sons precious life to care for and guide I am concerned with my beliefs and faith....I want to be able to point him in the right direction.....I want to have all the answers for him.....I want to let him know that everything will be alright because.....

Do you have kids, FreeMark? If you do...did it change your outlook on life when they came along...?

We are having an interesting converation downstairs in Philosophy....on Sally's Blog 'I am going to die' may appreciate the conversation we are having..maybe I'll see you down there!

on Sep 13, 2004
I wanted to wait a little before I came back and gave my vision of the world I would like to see......

My world is not much different to that of today....if you can imagine it still runs with our monetary system and the basic laws of society we have now.....except that everyone has come to the realization that we are all you are in your life and how you are to others has a chain reaction within our overlapping paths.

In my vision....not a single Man, Woman or Child goes without food and one is without a home.....everyone can receive aid from our medical sciences when in need without discrimination.....everyone is given the chance to absorb and learn the knowledge passed down the ages..despite their financial education and awareness is and integral part of man coexisting peacefully..

There are still people who will strive to achieve more for themselves....and they will still do so... and there are those who are happier to be a humble cog in the wheel of life.....but everyone will be taken care of on a fundamental level....we will ensure there is no suffering there does not need to be.
People will care for everyone and come to the understanding that Everyone matters... Everyone is a part of life and we disregard no one.
Families will be more of the focus rather than money... Every Child will grow in a family where they have the unconditional love, security and guidance of their parents and they will grow through nurturing into content, stable adults who continue to love and value their children more than themselves and more than material gains as their parents did for them.
I believe I have said it before... and I will more than likely say it again..."For everyone to be happy ..Everyone must be happy"...sounds a little bit simple you say...well think about it ...if every child grew with love and compassion...respect and tolerance would that not have a domino effect in our society that would spread through many aspects of life we have created and change a negative into a positive. my world....we would repect the lives of all the creatures we share this planet with...and though we still need to use them as a resource....we value their sacrifice and treat them with dignity and do not waste their gift of life to us...and the ones that we must use in order to survive we cherish and give them a time of blissful life before we use their body for ours. And all the other creatures in the world have a space of their own that we have not bombarded and staked ownership for our own selfish purpose.
We respect the earth we call home..we do not claim ownership over something we cannot buy....we are part of a world we don't fully is foolish to say it is ours...we are simply part of something bigger and should be more humble in our assumptions.

In my world there is not War....war is hopeless....we may disagree...sending innocent peole off to kill innocent people is not the answer....war is never the just shows how scared we are...scared enough to kill over things we should be discussing..solving....there is always another way......

And in my World we work and live as a world population for the benefit of us all ....we are not in competition with each other but in it together for the future of our kind.

I would really appreciate your opinion on 'My vision'....and if there is anything you would like to add, please do so.
on Sep 13, 2004
I would really appreciate your opinion on 'My vision'....and if there is anything you would like to add, please do so.

It's a fine vision just as it is! Never lose it!
on Sep 13, 2004
Thankyou Manopeace...

I haven't seen you around much lately ....everything going well in your life?

on Sep 13, 2004
Little Whip,

What a lonely world...

Seriously, Little Whip, if you really thought about it would you imagine Earth..........

I've had a few problems submitting on some blogs lately ...a few of yours and some others I have been having conversations with you that you have not been getting....I noticed on your 'Apology to JU' that it says you have 68 replies but in your blog it is only marked up to 50...perhaps some aren't getting through?
on Sep 14, 2004
I haven't seen you around much lately ....everything going well in your life?

Everythings just great...were getting ready for our New Years here in Israel and have been busy with my new grandson...all is good!
on Sep 14, 2004
Hello Manopeace,

Yes...I was going to ask how your Grandson was.....I bet he's a shining liitle light in your life!!

Isn't it a little early for New Years...?? Or am I just stuck in the western calender??

I wish the best of health and happiness for yourself and your family....and especially your little Grandson!
on Sep 15, 2004
Thank you Crusaders...
Grandson Amir is doing great and is just gorgeous!
New Years on the Hebrew calandar starts tonight at sunset. I also celebrate the (regular) New Years on January 1st, as I grew up in the west. Also, having many Palestinian friends I celebrate the Muslim New Year in February. I have truly been blessed!
Thank you for your beautiful sentiments!
on Sep 15, 2004

Happy New Year!!!

I'm glad to hear your Grandson is doing well and ofcourse I'm sure he is gorgeous!!

I hope yourself and everyone has a great New Year.... and that it truly will be a Happy New Year.
on Sep 15, 2004
Thanks again!
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