Parents think its cool to drink and smoke with their twelve year old daughter....
One of my closest friends came round the other day bringing her kids round to play with my son. We hadn't seen each other for a while so we had a lot to catch up on and while our kids played we eventually we got round to gossiping about people we know....
And my friend said "Oh my god you won't believe this, Sam and Normy are back together and...." (Normy was someone she went out with for a while and invited himself to move in bringing his two kids, from his exwife Sam, every second week....oh and expected Son to pay for EVERYTHING!) anyway, Normy's ex wife, Sam, has just begun working at the same place that Son's brothers girlfriend works and invited a workmate round for a couple of drinks. When the workmate got there (it was not my friends brothers girlfried but a close friend who also worked there) Sam and Normy were so drunk she couldn't get any sense out of them and their twelve year old daughter was sitting at the table on her boyfriends lap drinking and smoking. Apparently the friend of a friend of a friend got out of there as quick as possible, disgusted by what she saw. If that's parenting then I think we have a big problem here.....I've known their daughter since she was about 7 or 8 and she was always the type that wanted to hit 30 before they were 13 and quite frankly I am outraged at her parents for thinking it's 'cool' to drink and smoke with their kids....and I know Normy is also partial to a little that also in the 'cool' category for her parents? And what about the it 'cool' also to let your 12 year old have sex at home? What road are these people allowing their children to travel before they are emotionally mature to do so?
Now, when I was thirteen I drank half of my parents cask of wine while they were out...out of curiosity...and ofcourse I bragged to my older sister feeling like I was 'real mature.'...little did I know that mum and dad had noticed the wine missing and had blamed my sister who after hearing my confession told my parents in order to clear her name. Well consequently I was forced to quit my job (as I worked with those older than me who must of been influencing my behavour. They were not) and grounded for eternity. I despised my sister for a while as I felt like she had betrayed me but in the long run I was so glad I was caught out and punished. Imagine where I'd be today if I had started drinking at 13......I'm not a prude and I do drink, though reasonably responsibly, but I don't believe its mentally healthy to start at such a young age.
In hindsight, childhood was the absolute best time in my life and I wish I had realized it at the time....that's the trouble when you're young you just don't believe people when they say that but think that they are perhaps just trying to keep you from something or spoil your fun. If I could re do my life I'd savour every second of being a kid and that's what parents are meant to do keep your childhood intact until you are ready to grow up and enjoy all the responsibilities of bills, rent, tax, work and all those lovely things that fill our adult lives.
By the way....Sam and Normy have since split up again.