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The Crusade
A joke or two for you!!!!!
Published on August 24, 2004 By
The Crusaders
Two men walk out of a pub.........light up a cigarette...
across the road is a dog.....sitting on the curb licking it's balls.....
One of the men says to the other "Mate....I wish I could do that"....pointing at the dog.....
"Well shit!" says the other " I think you'd better pat it first!"
I just heard this one the other day...
Prince Charles is in Australia giving a royal tour....
He comes out of his hotel one morning wearing a fox hat...
One of the reporters waiting out the front asks him..
"Prince Charles...Prince Charles...why are you wearing a fox hat today?"
"Well..actually" he begins.." I was on the phone to Mumsy last night and I had been telling her what I had been up to and I told her I was going to 'Wagga Wagga' tomorrow and she said 'wear the fox hat!'"("Where the fucks that!")
I have heard thousands of jokes over the years yet I remember but a few!
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