Published on August 28, 2004 By The Crusaders In Misc
Have you ever had one of those moments when you feel the answers to everything you ever wanted to know were right there inside of you.
All you need to do is retrieve them....but the further you reach the further they retreat until they are teetering on the edge of your mind cliff....
cautiously you creep further but the weight of your essence threatens to dislodge their precarious position sending them into the deep
depths of an unreachable chasm....You could make one heroic dive for them but if you miscalculate the distance you then risk plummeting
into the chasm with them... ..never to be seen again......
So, like a coward turn your back ....too impatient to think it through leave them where they are....let them fall.....let them dissapear
into oblivion......and turning to do one last painstakenly brick up the access point to these save yourself
the pain...again.....the realization have failed before you have begun.

on Aug 28, 2004
There would be regret after that I suppose. And then in extreme cases , you might try to stop others from getting there.
on Aug 28, 2004
It's a bit of a metaphor.....also...really in relation to how we treat problems in life.
Hmmmm.....I'm a little flat about everything at the moment and I guess that's why I wrote it......
and yes there is always regret .....that nagging feeling that you didn't get it right..
Howy're you doing treating you well?
on Aug 28, 2004
I'm alright. A couple of office politics stuff getting me down a bit but other than that, I think I'm doing good and handling things well.
on Aug 28, 2004
Good to hear you're not letting the world get you down! It takes a lot less energy to be positive than it does to be negative about situations.
And wherever you work there are always 'politics' going on.....sometimes it seems like people need to have something to make an issue of for the sake of it......
So, what are your interests, Ravenblack?
on Aug 28, 2004
>> sometimes it seems like people need to have something to make an issue of for the sake of it......

you're right on the mark on that. *G*

My interests? I like to read in my spare time - fantasy, poetry, history, religion, science or anything interesting and different. I do a bit of writing too, hopefully someday I'll be published. I like to travel and I'm lucky I get to do that in my job. I like to visit art museums and historical places when I do get out. Oh yeah and of course computer stuff - internet, games and any gadget that enhances my enjoyment of these things.
on Aug 28, 2004

I've had my nose in books for favourites have been...Clive Barker's 'Imajica' , 'The Great and Secret Show', 'The Damnation Game'.
Tolkien...'The Chronicle of Thomas Covenant''s on the tip of my tongue....nope, I have a momentary lapse of memory there....oh well.....but I've turned to non fict. colin Wilson's 'Giant book of the Supernatural"....Sir Oliver Lodge's "Survival of man'...Mednick, Higgens and Kirschenbaum's "Psychology' and I'm about to start....Eric Von Danikens 'Chariots of the Gods'...oh and I started reading the Bible... because I grew up in a family where religion was just not an issue and I thought since it is such a big part of the world it might be a good idea to be informed but I haven't made much of a dent yet because it is quite tiring to I've sidelined it for now.
I think you have the right writing style to be published and you know only have one life....just do time like the present!
What is your chosen proffession, Ravenblack?
on Aug 28, 2004

>>I think you have the right writing style to be published and you know only have one life....just do time like the present!
Thanks for the kind words and encouragement!

>>What is your chosen proffession, Ravenblack?
Medical research science. I'm a molecular biologist by training.
on Aug 28, 2004
Thomas Covenant was by Stephen R. Donaldson, I believe. (I read the first trilogy and found it interesting, but when I started on the second it was just so much more of the same pessimistic self-hating attitude I couldn't stand to keep going. One of very few books that I have just plain given up on.)
on Aug 28, 2004
>> more of the same pessimistic self-hating attitude

I've heard something like that from other readers. I haven't had a chance to read his books yet.
on Aug 28, 2004
Molecular Bioligist huh?! Sounds very that keeps you busy!
I'm totally serious when I say...just do it.....I had always thought of myself as the Queen of procrastination.....and I was....until I had my son and suddenly I had all the motivation in the world. So, with your writing, just start compiling your work so when you are ready to get it out there you have already done half the work. What would you be writing about?
on Aug 28, 2004
Ah...thankyou, citahellion, now I can relax my mind as I have been torturing myself over my lack of memory since yesterday!
Yeah it was all kinda the same once you read the following volumes but it is an interesting concept, though his attitude...that of Thomas Covenant ...was frustratingly pessimistic and you just really wanted him to embrace and accept his experience and run with it.
Read any other interesting books you could recommend?
on Aug 28, 2004
One set of books I think is not nearly as well-known in the US as it deserves to be is the Gormenghast trilogy, by Mervyn Peake. ("Titus Groan", "Gormenghast", and "Titus Alone" if you find them individually, but most likely they'll be packaged in a single large volume.) If your bookstore is particularly distinguishing, it will be in Fantasy instead of SF.

I've got a whole slew of other books I'd recommend for various reasons, been meaning to post an article about that for ages. Soon, I swear....
on Aug 28, 2004
Post away.....I love to become absorbed in a book but can sometimes have no idea what I want to a little recommendation can go a long way.What is the basic story in the Gormenghast trilogy?
on Aug 28, 2004
Thanks for the advice, I have a couple of stuff around. *G* I'm aiming for the fantasy genre, Crusaders

Citahellion: >>been meaning to post an article about that for ages. Soon, I swear....
I'll be looking forward to that too.