We cannot solve our problems by argument and war, but by leading by example and laying down our arms and opening our hearts and minds. We will not always agree as every man, woman and child sees life through a unique perspective, a diversity and individualism that should be embraced as it is what makes our lives full of wonder and interest, but we need not be the creators of death, destruction, pain and suffering. We can choose a different path and move triumphantly together into a brave new f...
Firstly, thankyou for taking the time to take part in this all important survey as your opinion is highly valued and appreciated. A series of questions has been set, though if you feel the need to step out of the arena feel free to do so at the end of the questions. Here we go![ 1. Your age: 2. Male / Female: 3. Country / State / Town: 4. Occupation: 5. How many hours do you work in an average week? 6. Is this the occupation you envisione...
Have you ever had one of those moments when you feel the answers to everything you ever wanted to know were right there inside of you. All you need to do is retrieve them....but the further you reach the further they retreat until they are teetering on the edge of your mind cliff.... cautiously you creep further but the weight of your essence threatens to dislodge their precarious position sending them into the deep depths of an unreachable chasm....You could make one heroic dive for ...
Whenever I become disenchanted with the world I read this and it puts things in perspective and I can make sense of life and how to be and I am not afraid anymore...... DESIDERATA Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others; even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons,...
'Time is but a word given for an actuality we do not comprehend and cannot be harnessed as it is as tangible as the wind.' C.
Wow....this is so interesting. I have just been jumping down the list and must say that you are all such interesting people with very engaging articles and am so glad I happened upon joeuser. I'm kinda looking forward to becoming familiar with all of you, in a computer type sense. This is my last little write for the night before I get dinner on....the bath running for my little son.....and switch off for the day....but before I depart I would like to say "Hey, nice to meet you all!" and "Go...
Now it can be said that humans are somewhat social creatures. We need others around us. We need conversation. We need stimulation. But can we have too much social stimulation that overloads our fragile emotional system? I like people. I have friends and family. I socially interact....but....I can find if I've had a big couple of weeks full of people and places that I have simply had enough and crave time alone. At one point in my life I wanted to find the highest mountain with the deepest c...
There is a murky darkness all around you and you feel as though your vision was impaired...blinded. You are standing on the edge of a cliff......you don't want to move for fear of falling over the edge of the cliff top and into the nothingness below. You are holding something firmly in your grasp...but somehow it slips and topples over the edge into the gloomy depths below...you instinctively dive for it ....just catching it with your fingers.....It is really heavy.....slippery...and very har...
You may think this is trivial at first glance but there is a point I am getting to ....that hopefully I wont forget along the way..... I have always been blonde haired my entire life and even when it started to darken in my late teens I used artificial blonding agents to keep it the same. That was until a few months ago I noticed under the harsh lights of our bathroom mirror that I could see my scalp shining through....No...I'm not gong bald but there was some considerable thinning...enoug...
Q: What is your vision of the perfect world...? Nevermind how we got there for the moment.....only describe as you imagine it the world you would like to see in the future....the world you want to live in. And please feel free to use your imaginations, people, and step out of the boundary of our world today and tell us your unique vision.....
We, The People Say No To War We, The People Say No Hate And Prejudice We, The People Say It Is Time For Our Voices To Be Heard No More Excuses will Be Made To Keep Us From Our Rightful Future No Longer Will We Tolerate The Cruelties And Wrongdoings….The Pain And Torment….Suffering And Disrespect Inflicted Upon Our Fellow Man We Will Take A Step Into A Brave New World We Take Not One But All The Future Is Written By Those Of The Present We Must Learn From Our Past And Not Rep...
The world is insane We're all rats in a race Round and Round Keep up the pace You cant just stop You'll cause a jam Make it to the top You'll get your acclaim So, keep going round Hold your head high Don't look to the ground But reach for the sky